jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010


Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, (29 September 1571 – 18 July 1610 Italian artist was born in Milan. Caravaggio was known for using dramatic lighting and emotional realism.During his life, Rome was constructing massive churches and palazzos as a result;paintings were needed for much of the decoration in these churches. Although famous were Caravaggio lived and at times infamous, memories of the painter faded quickly after the time of his death. In Caravaggio earlier days he was a troubled man in one incident that changed his life he wounded a police officer forcing himself to become a fugitive on the run. It was at that time he started to do menial work for a much respected painter Giuseppe Cesari. While working for Cesari, Caravaggio constructed some of his most inspirational work known as the Boy with a basket of fruit as well as basket of fruit. In 1599 Caravaggio got his biggest break ever in which he was contracted out to decorate the Contarelli Chapel. In that he gave two painting that were an instantaneous hit with the art community first the Calling of Saint Matthew and Martyrdom of Saint Matthew. Caravaggio received criticism from both sides of the spectrum on his paintings. Some called Caravaggio and artistic genius others striking him down saying that he shouldn’t have painted Saint Matthew in such ways. After that Caravaggio was a huge and world renowned painter going on to do great things in the world of art but his personal life is what got the best of him down the road. Caravaggio went back to his old habits again and started getting in to more and more quarrels and fights around town. On May 29 1606 Caravaggio unintentionally killed a man by the name of Ranuccio Tomassoni. Because of Caravaggio’s social stature he had friends that he believed he could rely on to pardon him for his wrong doings. Once again Caravaggio fled this time to Napels and then on to Malta where the Knights of Malta were located. Caravaggio knew the Knights one in particular Alof de Wignacourt the Grand Master whom he hoped to could help him become pardoned. But Wignacourt did not grant the pardon he instead made him a knight and Caravaggio had to prove otherwise why he deserved a pardon. After a few years of knighthood
Wignacourt granted him access to the one person Wignacourt knew that could pardon Caravaggio. Wignacourt gave him the name of a Cardinal Scipione Borghese. While on a boat ride to met Scipione it is to believe that Caravaggio came down with a fever and died on July 18 1610. The body of Caravaggio was never found. Researchers are have to had said that he died somewhere near present day Tuscany.


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